Hello World#

Greetings to everyone reading this. This is the very first post of this blog, and I’ll start by saying why I decided to start a blog and what I want to share here.

The main reason it’s actually very simple: I like to write. On the homepage and “About” page there’s a sidebar (if you are reading this on a mobile-sized screen, you have to touch the hamburger icon on the top left to see it), and under my profile picture, there are some titles that briefly describes what I do. Yes, I work with software development and I’m studying data science, but other than that I decided to add “Writer” there. And it doesn’t mean I’m a professional writer or something near that. I do not earn any money to write anything outside my job as a software developer. I don’t have any published papers (yet), cause I didn’t follow the academic path back in the college days. But writing for me was always some sort of escape. Growing up, I was a very shy person from the early days of elementary school until high school. I used to write my feelings in a notebook and keep them there. Of course, I grew up and became more open to dialog, communication is a very important skill and I had to develop it anyway. Now that I work as a developer, part of my job includes writing some other things besides code, as pieces of documentation not only technical but also business-related. To resume writing is something I like and a skill worth developing. Creating a blog to post some of my texts is a motivation and perhaps someone will find any text interesting or useful. If you already took some time to read about who I am, by now you know that I’m Brazilian, so I do not have English as my native language. Writing here is a way of practicing it too. Nowadays we have a lot of tools that generate text, but I write everything here with my own hands. If you ever find some grammatical error, or if you feel that the text is somehow weird, feel free to let me know, so I can improve. I’ll try to publish everything here in English and Portuguese, so I will practice the language I’ve been learning and my mother language too.

I do not have any intention to make money with this nor I’m concerned about how many people are going to access the blog. This is something I’m doing for myself. Maybe this thing will grow and become something bigger, but it’s not the intention now. I’ll just use this space to share some ideas, some technical articles, and anything else I find worth writing about.

I don’t want to use any social network to post my texts, because I’m trying to escape their logic and I want to have as much control over my content as I can.

That’s it for now, a slow start I think. Let’s see how it goes. See you in the next post!